OIB US option History /Geography 2006

Friday, September 01, 2006

Comments about exam procedure

In regard to the 15 minute oral, we agreed that:
--Instructions for the orals must be posted in a place where candidates can see them
-- Examiners should make sure that the candidate understands the questions he/she picks.
-- Students should be told to prepare a 5-6 minute talk, and that they will be given a reminder at 5 minutes that they should wrap things up.
-- Examiners should try to cover two or three parts of the program, as well as including a geo question if the candidate dealt with History question in his/her presentation. It is OK for examiners to jump form one part of the program to another, as long as he tells the candidate he was about to change topics.
-- A five minute"administrative time" between each oral was built into the oral schedules so that examiners could go a minute or two past the 15 minute time if necessary, as well as have the time to write down comments and marks, and give out the next question.

As for comments on the 2006 Exam questions in France:
Over-all impression:
-- Between the History-Geo questions, 3 of the 4 dealt with the developing world.
-- There must be digital compatibility between teachers sending in questions and Mark Meigs. Mark asked that questions be sent in PDF Words, or RTF
History Questions: The Essay:
--There was general agreement that the word "discuss" was good, since since it opens the question up to a variety of interpretations.
History DBQ:
-- There was general surprise at Part I question 2, regarding the consequences of architecture.
-- Some found document 1 too legalistic, while others were not concerned since the point of the question was a global understanding of the document .
--Many were surprised, even dismayed, at the question for the essay part of the DBQ. The idea of cultural conformity was view as peripheral to our program, and the word "conformity" itself apparently surprised some candidates.
Geo Essay Q:
--The question was good in the sense that it was open to a number of interpretations.
-- The chart in Document 3 was not aligned correctly because of a digital problem.

Finally, Mark reminded us that questions we have submitted to him as official BAC questions should never be used as a BAC Blanc since they could be used in future BACs. It is OK, of course, to use past years BACs as Bac Blancs for a new class of Terminale.


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