OIB US option History /Geography 2006

Friday, September 01, 2006

History Proposals from the Paris June 15-16, 2006 OIB meeting

Rough Outline of 2006 History-Geo Syllabus for Terminale

History Program aligned on the « S » program.
(1) The number in parentheses after each topic represents the estimated weight each topic will have in terms of percentage of teaching time given to the topic.
(2) Each of the four Roman numeral topics is followed by a series of questions that should act as a guide for teachers in developing their syllabi.
(3) FYI, the total number of hours for the « S » program in French is 12, 8 and 12 for Roman numerals I, II and IV respectively.

I. International Relations since 1945: The Cold War and the New World Order (40)
§ What were the challenges in International Relations in 1945?
§What were the origins of the Cold War and how did it develop in Europe from 1945-1949. What are the interpretations concerning who is to « blame » for the Cold War?
§Why and How did the Cold War become global from 1949-1973?
§ To what extent was there a Thaw (in international relations, in the Soviet bloc, in the USSR) in the 1950’s?
§What were the causes of Détente, and what were its manifestations?
§ Why and How did the Cold War end? What are the interpretations regarding its end?

II. Colonization and De-colonization (10)
§ What were the causes and characteristics of colonization?
§ What were the origins and consequences of de-colonization, in particular for India and Algeria?

III. U.S. History 1941-1988 (40)
§ What was happening in the U.S. during WWII(politically, socially, economically)
§What was the domestic impact of the Cold War for the US?
§ How did the Civil Rights Movement evolve in the US after WWII?
§ What were the political, social and economics issues facing the US for each decade of the program, 1941-1988
§ To what degree have U.S. Presidents been successful in dealing with the political, social and economic challenges of their terms?
§ What have been the main differences between the Democrats and the Republicans in dealing with domestic issues?

IV. France and the Fifth Republic (10)
§What new institutions did France put in place in 1958?
§ What was the domestic and foreign policy of Charles de Gaulle?
§ How did the Fifth Republic evolve after 1969?


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