OIB US option History /Geography 2006

Friday, September 01, 2006

Proposals from the Paris June 15-16, 2006 OIB meeting


The Geography Program is based upon the « ES-L » program.
(1) The number in parentheses after each topic represents the estimated weight each topic will have in terms of percentage of teaching time given to the topic.
(2) Each of the Roman numeral topics is followed by a series of questions that should act as a guide for teachers in developing their syllabi.
(3) FYI, the total number of hours for the ES-L program in French is 10, 22, and 18 for Roman numerals I, II, and II respectively.

I. Globalization (20)
§Who are the players in Globalization?
§ What are the main factors of globalization, I.e. How does it manifest itself?
§ What are the consequences of globalization (economically, culturally, demographically etc… .)
§Are there alternatives to globalization?

II. Three Major Areas of Economic Power: Europe, Asia, North America (45)
A.) The USA
§What are the main poles of US strength (economic, diplomatic, military, territorial, social, cultural, political, demographic)?
§What are the weaknesses of the US as a super-power?
§How does the Atlantic seaboard represent the emergence of supra-national regions?
§What are the main features of the Atlantic seaboard?
B.) Europe
§ What are the main poles of European strength (economic, etc… .)?
C.) East Asia
§What are the aspects of East Asian Power (economic, etc… .)?
§ What are the main features of the Japanese megalopolis?

III. Regions in The Process of Development: (35)
-- Unity and Diversity of the South
§What defines the « South » (common traits and diversity)?
§How is Brazil representative of the problems of development found in the « South » (strengths and weaknesses of Brazil)?
-- North-South Exchanges: The Mediterranean Basin
How does the Mediterranean Basin reflect global interaction and/or confrontation between the North and South?
-- Russia: Patterns of Renewal (re-inventing itself?)
What have been the successes and problems experienced by Russia since it has tried to transform itself since the collapse of the Communist model of development and the collapse of the USSR in 1991? (10)


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